Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tape Wars

Grandpa came over this afternoon to introduce Allie and Nate to tape wars . . . the goal is to see who can get their tape measure extended the longest before it snaps.  Oh yea, and he helped Patrick get some work done on the tree fort before the birthday party.  But the tape war was obviously the cool part.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Days off with Allie

I took Thursday and Friday off since school ended and Summer Camp didn't start until Monday.  I asked Allie what she'd rather do . . . water park?  Tree Paad?  She, of course, had it all worked out :)

Tree Paad on Thursday . . .

Water park on Friday (us in our matching visors :) . . .

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Last Day of Kindergarten

I can't even believe an entire school year has passed.  I survived!!  Um, I mean, Allie had an amazing first year and, like kids everywhere, is so excited for summer vacation :) 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

End of Kindergarten Celebration

Allie had her moving up ceremony today at the school.  It really is amazing to see how much she has grown in less than a year. 

And, yes... I grabbed the quick shot above before she showed me how she can hang and jump off.  That's my Cogan :)  A pretty party dress has never slowed her down!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

$.50 and a dream

Sure . . . $1 and a dream can win the lottery and make you a millionaire.  But $.50 and a yard sale can get you this:

Yup.  That's the one I made.  I thought it was awesome, Allie said it was "not terrific".  Do you think in kid-speak that means it's better than terrific?  I don't know how it couldn't be with that pink toupee and mermaid tail. 

Here are the kids with the Potato Heads they created:

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Visit from Grammy & Papa

Finally . . . we found a good day for Grammy & Papa to come visit.  Sorry guys - love you! 

We went to Dehn's and got a couple of flats of flowers (and maybe more tomato plants, don't tell Patrick!).  Then we did some planting, and weeding, and dancing.

Allie and Nate twirling while Grammy hummed:

Nate asking Grammy to dance (ok, it was more like "Grammy, dance with me"):

Then we went out to dinner and Allie had her (alledgedly) first ever cotton candy:

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Grandpa and Aunt Marney's birthdays

We went over to dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house to celebrate Grandpa's and Aunt Marney's birthdays.  So of course the kids must dress up . . . some enjoyed the process more than others.  Quincey was not so amused :)

Wait a minute . . . wasn't it Aunt Marney's and Grandpa's birthdays?  Who are all these kids blowing out the candles?!?

And then we went outside so the kids could play a little golf and ride bikes to burn off a last little bit of energy before we headed home . . .

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hanging at The Paad

Guess who went to play at the Tree Paad tonight? 


Yes, we let the kids go too.  And yes, the picture above was from the end of night in case you didn't notice all of our rosy cheeks.  Did you know they let parents in too?  The Tree Paad has ball cannons . . . who could possibly resist?!?  I think Patrick and I are even more exhausted than the kids.

Thanks, Auntie Em, for the cool early-birthday gifts!!  It's was a great exhausting gift that promises to be great fun all year long :) 

This last picture is from 8:42 after I tucked Allie into bed . . . 'nuff said.